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National Historic Trail Project

February, 2021 Update



Our committee continues to make good progress in conducting outreach and garnering support for the National Historic Trail Proposal. Here are some accomplishments for January.

We have updated out NHT webpage with a “How Can I Help?”  section which includes sample support letters, congressional mailing addresses and other helpful suggestions to support the project.  Please check the webpage for updates.

 We made a presentation to the Sheridan, Wy.  County Historic Preservation Commission.  They will be writing letters of support. Additional organizations and individuals have contacted us, voicing encouragement, and indicating their intention to write letters of support. We have been asked to produce a list of supporters.

We reached out to County Commissioners with a second mailing forwarded through the Wyoming County Commissioners Association (WYCCA). We had a positive conference call with the WYCCA on our project. We touched base with congressional field representatives and governors’ staff with a progress report, and are reaching out to state and local travel and tourism offices, and to the Wyoming Petroleum and Mining Associations.

Our Montana has applied for a grant to develop a free tourist phone app to assist visitors to find important Bozeman Trail historic sites in both Wyoming and Montana. We believe this will help develop the Trail as a major destination for tourists.

Our email and contact lists continue to expand with individuals and groups that are excited about designating the Bozeman Trail as a National Historic Trail. We have been extremely pleased with the positive response we are receiving. We will be sending folks on this list our progress report. This report will be available on our website.

Nice articles on our project were published recently in the Montana and Wyoming newspapers:

 Sheridan Press -

Billings Gazette -

Bozeman Dailey Chronical –


Programs about the Bozeman Trail history have been developed posted on social media and Community 7 TV in Billings.


Coming Up. 

We are preparing a hard copy mailing with our project information to landowners of over 160 acres in Wyoming who have the historic tail route on, along or near their property.  Sheridan and Johnson Counties’ were mailed last week.

Our Montana and FPK/BTA will continue outreach efforts and are scheduled to make presentations to interested organizations in February.

Advisory Committee Member Mary Ellen McWilliams wrote an excellent article on the Life of John Bozeman for FPK/BTA’s LOOKOUT and for Our Montana. Release date is March.

We have initiated contacts with tribal representatives and will look to continue dialogue on the project.

Mike will be presenting our project to the Beartooth RC&D on February 19th.

Dave will be submitting a short article to the Big Horn Historical Society for their newsletter.

Dave will be presenting a program on the NHT Project to the Wyoming Archaeological Society, via Zoom on March 4th.

 We will be watching our project email for questions, comments, and requests for dialogue or meeting presentations.


Thank you for your interest!

The Bozeman National Historic Trail Project Committee,

Dave McKee, Mike Penfold and JoAnne Puckett




528 Wagon Box Road

Banner, WY  82832  -   307-684-7629


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